How long does microsuctioning take?

Appointments for otoscopy and microsuctioning generally last around 30 minutes.

Is it safe?

Definitely. Microsuction is the safest & gold standard method of wax removal

How does it feel?

The vast majority of clients find microsuctioning a comfortable and completely painless procedure. It can be a little noisy and the ear canal is a sensitive area. If at any stage there is any discomfort then your Clinical Ear Care Practitioner can stop the procedure immediately.

Will the wax come back?

Wax does often re-accumulate. Speak to your Clinical Ear Care Practitioner about advice on a long term maintenance plan.

I have other medical health issues, can I still have microsuction?

Prior to the procedure your Clinical Ear Care Practitioner will carry out a pre-assessment. Please feel free to discuss any concerns via telephone prior to your appointment.